The Journey Begins

My name is Janis Fry, yew tree historian, artist, writer and teacher. I believe the ancient yew was brought to Britain from Egypt and the Holy Lands for some very special reason and that its survival is crucial to our own. The unfolding mystery of the yew inspires my work.

DSCF4119.jpg‘The God Tree’

My main book is ‘The God Tree’ and I run Ancient Yew Tours with my friend Heather Hornung in the Brecon area in Wales and you can read about it on my website –

The Door png.png‘The Door’

I am also launching my campaign for legal protection for ancient yews shortly for all yews aged between 2 and 5,000 years, of which there are 111 in Britain.

DSCF4127.jpg‘Carriers of the Sacred Branch’

In 2014 I put the Defynnog yew near Brecon with its Golden Bough on the map, as being Britain’s oldest tree at over 5,000 years!

Stairway to heaven.jpg ‘Stairway to heaven’

I love colour and although much of my art work is to do with the yews and their holy wells,

janis tree pic (1).jpg‘Yew and Well 1’

I work in watercolour, ink and acrylic paint and run art classes and workshops, so I can share my love of painting with others.

Tara and the lemon tree.jpg ‘Tara and the lemon tree’

Sometimes colour is too powerful to be contained and breaks loose from its moorings and simply drifts away! (Particularly if you’re using watercolour!)

Nectarines 2.jpg‘Nectarines 2 ‘

People who paint find even the humble cabbage to be a source of great beauty when studied with the intensity of watercolour!

cabbage by moonlight.jpg‘Cabbage by Moonlight’

Catch you later- Janis